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Cast Iron



Superior resistant to heat, machinable

Alloy base

Ni, Fe

Special Features

  • Less base metal dilution reduce impurities impregnation.
  • Very suitable for cladding.
  • Excellent weld ability and high strength on most cast irons.
  • Ideal for parts subjected to elevated temperature and corrosion.

  • Recommendations

    For building up missing section in all positions. Suitable for thin walled gray cast iron. Excellent for cladding repairing crack and joining of CI to other metal, good for vertical and overhead welding.

    Principal Applications

    Glass mould, cylinder blocks. Impellers. Machine bed. Cast iron machine bases. Pump housings, cast iron gears pulleys etc.


    Clean weld area and remove oil or grease contamination. Use CG-1 to clean out the crack. Use short to medium arc and stringer technique. To avoid local build-up skip welding. technique to be used. To get maximum machinability 200°C to 250°C Preheat is necessary. Chip out slag and allow to cool slowly.


    35-50 Kgf/mm2


    170 To 200 BHN

    Recommended Amperage

    Size (mm) 2.5 3.15 4.0 5.0
    Current(AMPS) 40-70 60-100 100-130 120-150