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Cast Iron



Excellent bonding to difficult cast iron, suitable for contaminated, economical cast iron welding alloy.

Alloy base

Fe, C, Si

Special Features

  • Recommended at contaminated surface in old, dirty oily, greasy cast irons.
  • Close colour match for cast iron.
  • Economical cast iron electrode.
  • Crack resistant and high tensile strength.
  • Nickel free deposits.
  • Quick freezing.

  • Recommendations

    For all cast iron applications where machining is not required. Can be used for joining of cast iron to steel, where contaminated surface is found to be conditioned.

    Principal Applications

    Foundry defects, sealing oil soaked cast iron. Corroded or oxidized cast iron furnace equipment, motor and generator housing. Guards on machine tools and foundry casting etc.


    Remove fatigued metal by gouging or grinding. Use short, and skip welding sequence. Keep medium arc length and 20 mm to 60 mm long beads. Chip out the slag.

    Recommended Amperage AC/DC(+)

    Size (mm) 2.5 3.15 4.0 5.0
    Current(AMPS) 40-80 75-100 90-130 120-170