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All Steel



High resistance to impact and deformation superior cushioning welding alloy

Alloy Base

Fe, Cr, Mn, Ni

Special Features

  • High work hardening in service.
  • Highly crack resistant.
  • Excellent all position welding.
  • Superior resistance to impact deformation, heat and mild corrosion

  • Recommendations

    A versatile welding alloy for austenitic manganese steel and joining of mild steel and difficult steel. Very well suitable for cushioning layer under hard facing deposits. The metal gives good hardness in as deposited and work under repeated and pounding loads in service. Easy slag detach ability.

    Principal Applications

    Sprockets, track pads, excavators, shovel and dragline buckets and other earth moving equipment, crusher roller, build up of hammers, mantles, dozer blades. Most useful in preparation mantles and joining of bucket teeth repairing crack and defects of austenitic anganese castings ideal for joining hadfield manganese steel to other steels.


    Clean weld area, fatigued material should be removed by chamferring. No preheating is required for manganese steel. Always use skip or staggered welding. Maintain a short to medium arc. Weld bead length should be kept upto 10 cms. at a time. Temperature between the passes should not exceed 150oC Back stepping and skip welding technique should be added. Peening the hot weld helps to reduce stresses.

    Tensile Strength

    55-65 Kgf/mm2



    Hardness as deposited

    200-250 BHN

    Haredness as work hardness

    350-400 BHN

    Recommended Amperage

    Size (mm) 2.5 3.15 4.0 5.0
    Current(AMPS) 40-80 60-90 90-150 130-180