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All Steel



Retards hydrogen induced embrittlement.x-ray quality welds and superior moisture resistance.

Alloy Base

Fe, Mn, Si

Special Features

  • Gives radiographic welds.
  • Basic coated, negligible hydrogen content alloy.
  • Ideal for contaminated, restrained and oil soaked parts.
  • Excellent impact resistance and ductility.
  • High strength and crack free deposits.
  • An all positional welding alloy

  • Recommendations

    Specially these are meant for joining and build up of low alloy high tensile steels, problem steels having sulphur, low carbon steels medium carbon steels to mild steels and other alloys added to base metal for better machinability. Those alloying elements which can cause porosity hidden defect are purged with the electrode arc action from the molten pool. Most suitable where toughness and weld reliability are important.

    Principal Applications

    Heavy vehicle chassis, heavy equipment maintenance. heavy structures, automotive frames, liquid tankers hubs. loco frames, crane jibs & booms & tanks material handling equipment structures. pressure vessels, gun plates, steels casting & high pressure piping repair and build up of '1' areas of buckets and excavators. Depestric and boom crack of shovel.


    Clean weld area of surface contamination and then gouge or grind all cracks or defects. Use short arc for horizontal fillets. For vertical joints use rapid weaving and start welding from bottom, preheating may prove beneficial.

    Tensile strength

    55-62 Kgf/mm2



    Recommended Amperage AC(70V)/DC(+)

    Size (mm) 2.0 2.5 3.15 4.0 5.0
    Current(AMPS) 35-55 60- 80 100-140 120-160 150-200