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Hard Facing



A hard facing electrode with very high abrasion resistance at elevated temperatures

Alloy base

Fe, Mn, Cr

Special Features

  • Excellent resistance to abrasions.
  • Smooth bead appearance.
  • Easy application-even burn of rate.
  • Superior depositions weld abilities.

  • Recommendations

    For steel parts requiring resistance to sever abrasive wear. Deposits polish in service providing a very low co-efficient of friction. Very smooth highly ionized spray transfer. Easy to handle in all position. Extensively recommended in earth moving, construction, cement and agriculture industries.

    Typical Applications

    Buckets, Pads, Lips, Teeth, Fan Blades, Plow Shears, Scrapers, Road rippers.


    Clean weld area and remove fatigue materials by gauging, use stringer beads and skip & stagger weld. To build up more than one layer deposit, a cushion layer of HF-1, HF-7 or AS-4. The temperature of the base metal should not exceed 250oC to avoid heavy cracks.


    55 to 58 RC

    Recommended Amperage AC/DC (+)

    Size (mm) 3.15 4.0 5.0
    Current(AMPS) 90-120 120-150 150-180